
Artephius is one of the main characters from The Adventures of Puss in Boots.


Artephius owns San Lorenzo's macramé owl shop. At first he seems like your run-of-the-mill confused old man, but it turns out he's over a thousand years old and is history's greatest alchemist. He has moments of clarity, but then other times he's extremely senile. His magic has kept him alive for centuries, but his brain has gotten so filled up with stuff he can't remember a whole lot. Now he just really knows macramé owls.

It is reveled in the Season 6 episode "The Moving Finger Writes" that he is one half of the Great Mage Sino. Sino split himself into two halves, good and bad, Artephius being the good half. The bad half was locked in the Forbidden Citadel.


  • He used to date one of Puss's most powerful enemies.
  • No one seems to appreciate his hand-crafted owls.

